Thank you for your interest in our Club! The CKCSCC is composed of people from all walks of life. Some are serious breeders; others are enthusiasts who participate in Conformation, Agility, Obedience, Utility, Rally-O or Flyball training, while many more enjoy their Cavaliers as much loved pets and wish to know what is happening in the wider world of Cavalier activities. Whatever your interest, there is a place in the Club for you, because our common bond is appreciation for that great little companion, the Cavalier. You are always welcome to attend any CKCSCC event as a spectator or a much-appreciated volunteer!
Our aims and objectives are to encourage the improvement and development of the Cavalier – still known as a relatively rare breed in North America – through adherence to the breed standard, health testing and through education both of the breeder and the public.
The Club publishes a newsletter, “Cavalier Quotes” and an annual yearbook for members. We hold an annual CKCSCC Specialty Show and sponsor booster shows in various areas of the country. The Club also co-ordinates health clinics and educational events through the hard work of the Health & Education Committee to which all members are encouraged to attend. These shows and events afford Cavalier enthusiasts a chance to meet each other, add to their repertoire of knowledge and promote the breed in public.
If you wish to become a member of the CKCSCC please complete an application form, include a Sponsor form, and send both with your cheque, money order, or bank draft to the Membership Director.
An application for membership in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club will not be processed if the Sponsor Form is not included.