Code Of Ethics
All MEMBERS of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada shall:
- Abide by the Constitution, bylaws and policies of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada.
- Abide by the Constitution, bylaws and policies of the Canadian Kennel Club.
- Behave in a manner that will be conducive to the advancement of our Breed and our Club.
- Treat with respect all members and other persons associated with the Club, and shall not subject these to indignities of any kind nor maliciously degrade another members Cavalier, kennel name, or practices.
- Be responsible for notifying the club in assisting the rescue of any Cavalier in need.
- Notify a member of the board of directors if they suspect a violation of this code of ethics. In all questions of ethics not covered by this code members will act in the best interest of the breed at all times.
And further, as an OWNER(s) to:
- Maintain personal contact with, and proper care (e.g. Exercise, diet, and sanitary conditions) for all Cavalier(s) in their ownership.
- Provide proper medical care and immunization throughout the lifetime of the Cavalier, and euthanasia, if and when necessary.
- Abstain from providing Cavaliers for pet shops, auctions, lotteries, or other such enterprises, either on consignment or outright.
- Notify the Club should they need assistance in re-housing their Cavalier.
Additionally, as BREEDERS, members will:
- Devote their efforts to the improvement of the breed by the maintaining of high standards of temperament and physical soundness in their breeding stock.
- Not breed any bitch on her first season nor allow a bitch to whelp more than two litters on any three consecutive seasons.
- Maintain accurate breeder records in accordance with CKC bylaws and will individually register all puppies with the CKC.
- Ensure their stud dogs are used only on registerable bitches, and all necessary paperwork is promptly completed.
- Ensure their bitches are bred only to registerable stud dogs.
- In the event it becomes necessary to re-house a Cavalier which they have bred, notify the Club if they cannot effect the re-housing of the dog.
Complaints of violations of this code of ethics must be made in writing to the Secretary of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada. The Board of Directors shall then investigate the alleged violation, and will permit the member in question to respond. The member or designate has the right to attend a hearing set up by the Board of Directors. The member will be notified 14 days in advance when the hearing is to take place. Any member may be suspended or expelled for the violation of this code of ethics by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the CKCSC of Canada.
The member must be notified of the Board’s decision and it’s reasons by double registered mail. The Board at the same time must inform the suspended member of the appeal process.
Any member suspended or expelled has the right to appeal this decision to the general membership. The suspended. expelled member has 14 days from the date of receipt of notification to inform the Board of their decision to appeal. Should the member decide to appeal, the argument relating directly to this matter and the Boards argument must appear in the next issue of Quotes along with a mail ballot so the general membership may decide the matter. A majority of the ballots returned shall determine the final outcome. Both the member and the Board must send their arguments directly to the Editor of Quotes to allow for publication.
Cavalier Breeders’ Guidelines
Responsible breeders feel that the welfare of the breed in general and their Cavalier(s) in particular comes before any other consideration to do with their interest in Cavaliers.
- They use for breeding only Cavalier eligible for registration with the CKC.
- They are alert for and work to control and. or eradicate inherited problems.
- They do not breed from any animal known to have disqualifying or disabling defects.
- They register each litter with the CKC (or ACKCSC).
- They maintain complete breeding records.
- They breed Cavaliers that are at least 2.5 years old and murmur-free that have parents that were murmur-free at age 5 years.
- They do not provide any Cavalier to pet shops or other commercial establishments; nor do they sell or provide puppies for resale; nor do they sell or donate any Cavalier to be auctioned or raffled.
- They do not allow any puppy to leave its dam and littermates before the age of eight (8) weeks.
- Before departure to its new home, they have each puppy checked by their veterinarian for internal and external parasites and general health. They have each puppy inoculated at least once against distemper – hepatitis (CAV2), parainfluenza and canine parvovirus. Some breeders will attend to these matters themselves. In either case, a certificate attesting to the health of the puppy, shots given and date further shots are required is provided. (With an adult, a full health record should be given.).
- They suggest to the purchaser that they have their veterinarian examine the Cavalier within forty-eight (48) hours and notify the breeder immediately thereafter if any problem is apparent. The breeder will attempt to correct or have the problem corrected where possible.
- They apply for individual registration or transfer at the time the Cavalier leaves for its new home (A Non-Breeding Agreement is available through the CKC. It must have both the signature of the seller and purchaser at the time of purchase and accompany the registration or transfer form to the CKC.).
- They do not exhibit any Cavalier which has been changed in appearance by artificial means except for the docking of its tail and the removal of dew claws.
The above guidelines are suggested for members’ use. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada urges you to follow them.